R. L. Stine is Still Scaring Readers

Most people begin to slow down the pace of their work, if not retire altogether, by the time they hit 70. In that regard, R.L. Stine is not like most people. In fact, the prolific author, who turns 80 in October, is busier than ever — and he loves it.

The master of horror tales is featured in a Shondaland article and shares a bit about his upcoming projects, including one with Di Angelo Publications!

“I have a [new] short story book [called] Stinetinglers 2. And I did a novel for another publisher, Blackstone. It’s a middle grade novel called Slime Doesn’t Pay! It’s good. And we’re changing Goosebumps! The new name is Goosebumps House of Shivers. A whole new Goosebumps series. Just trying to keep it fresh. New cover artist, new style.”

Stine’s new short story collection, middle grade novel, and Goosebumps House of Shivers series are just a few of the recent projects he’s worked on. There’s also Stuff of Nightmares: Red Murder #1, a comic book for adults, due on September 27; a book of writing tips, There’s Something Strange About My Brain: Writing Horror for Kids, due October 31; and a recently released picture book, Why Did the Monster Cross the Road?, with illustrations by Marc Brown. In addition, Disney+ will air a new Goosebumps TV show in October, and a feature film, Zombie Town, based on Stine’s 2012 book of the same name, premiered in theaters on September 1.

Read the Shondaland interview with R.L. Stine here.

Click here to order a copy of There’s Something Strange About My Brain: Writing Horror for Kids.


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